I had a fantastic time hosting with David Dulany Gong's very own Udi Ledergor as he delved into the "Gong-solidate" approach to simplify sales stacks.
Udi unpacked Gong's remarkable journey, starting from Conversation Intelligence and progressing to Deal Intelligence, Forecasting, and the latest addition, Gong Engage.
Despite having written about Gong previously, I learned several new things:
Gong's research shows that sales teams use on average 10 different systems and are unhappy about that. Gong's goal doesn't stop at federating these systems into a single hub. It provides sellers with a smart to-do list that combines guidance on deals and priorities for the day.
Gong found that salespeople spend an astonishing 6 hours per week personalizing their communications and emails, along with an additional 6 hours tailoring company-provided content to better align with buyers. However, buyers only open 1 in 20 emails, and when they do, they perceive 90% of them as impersonal. Addressing this issue is precisely what Gong Engage aims to accomplish using AI. The company has trained its models on the massive set of sales conversations and recordings it amassed (1B sales conversations & 10B emails). It also wants to combine AI recommendations with templates gathered from industry influencers.
When it comes to sales intelligence, Gong's approach leverages multiple data providers, made available on-demand through its marketplace. It enables sales representatives to pick the most relevant source(s) based on the context of each deal.
Regarding the adoption of these new products, Udi shared that Gong's Forecast product already boasts an impressive customer base of 100 companies.
Watch our full discussion here